Yoi. Move at 45° Zen Kutsu Dachi Gyaku Tsuki, return to Yoi. Repeat on other side. Demo.

Yoi. Move at 45° Zen Kutsu Dachi Kake Uke, Mawashi Geri to front. Return to Yoi. Repeat on other side. Demo.

Zen Kutsu Dachi Ashi Barai into Yoko Geri at 45° without dropping leg. Land to front, repeat on other leg. Demo.

Zen Kutsu Dachi project leading hand Taisho Uke opposite hand Haisho Uke. Coming forward. Demo.

Zen Kutsu Dachi project Gedan Barai, project Soto Uke. Coming forward. Demo.

Combination 6a. Demo.

Combination 6b. Demo.

Padwork left leg Mae Geri to air, land Right hand Jodan Oi Tsuki. Demo.

Padwork Ushiro Geri. Demo.

Padwork Tsurikomi Mae Geri to the air, Mawashi Geri. Demo.

One shot Gyaku Tsuki. Demo.

Japanese Test. Examiners will call out 5 techniques in Japanese, candidate will demonstrate. 1 point for each.

Partnerwork. Attack Mawashi Tsuki, block & counter of choice.

Partnerwork. Attack Mawashi geri, block & counter of choice.

Pinan Yondan (x3 marks). Demo. Slow version.

Pinan Godan (x3 marks). Demo. Slow version, side view.

Random past kata (x3 marks).


Pass mark 75.

For a pdf copy of the grading sheet click here.