Yoi. Forward into Zen Kutsu Dachi Oi Tsuki, into Neko Ashi Dachi, into Shiko Dachi, Gedan Bari, all same leg forward. Back to Yoi. Repeat on other side.

Yoi. Zen Kutsu Dachi Uraken Uchi, into Shiko Dachi Tettsui Uchi, turn to rear Neko Ashi Dachi. Repeat.

Zen Kutsu Dachi Mae Geri land back, left leg Yoko Geri 90°.

Zen Kutsu Dachi Yoko Geri to front, L/Leg Ushiro Geri. Repeat on other side.

Students own 3 technique combination.

Combination 8a. Demo.

Combination 8b. Demo.

Padwork Gyaku Tsuki.

Padwork Mae Geri.

Padwork Mawashi Geri.

Padwork Ushiro Geri.

One shot Mawashi Empi Uchi.

Japanese Test. Examiners will call out 5 techniques and candidates will demonstrate. (1 point each ).

Partnerwork. Attack: Punching technique from front. Counter of choice + takedown.

Partnerwork. Attack: Kicking technique from front. Counter of choice + takedown.

Partnerwork. Attack: Punching technique from front. Counter of choice + locks.

Demonstrate & explain 2 techniques from choice of 5 given prior to grading. Examiners choice.

Annanko (X 3 marks). Demo. Slow version.

Jerokono (X 3 marks). Demo. Slow version.

Random past kata (X 3 marks).

Random past kata (X 3 marks).


Pass marks 98

For a pdf copy of the grading sheet click here.